Show Notes
Society constantly tells us that the blanket answer for success is always eating less – it's not true. For many people, the right next step is eating more through a reverse diet. Shauna Torenvliet shares her experience and success going through her first reverse diet.
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Very inspirational.
Thank you Amber and Shauna. Wow!!!…….i really needed to hear this perspective. I am so scared to start a reverse. I lost 50lbs Sept 2019 – Aug 2020. Kept it off until I got Covid December 2020. I was starving after I got better and I feel that I felt invincible with my weight loss and I started snacking again. I’ve since gained 20-25lbs back and can’t lose Anything despite my low calories, lifting 5 days week, spin twice a week, walking on treadmil twice a week and walking my big huskies a few times a week at least 2 -2.5 miles. I am so tired of not feeling like a “normal” person and being able to eat like a “normal” person! So, when Shauna said this exact same thing, it was like a smack of reality. I’m still scared to start but know I Have to. For my health, my clarity and my sanity. I can’t live like this anymore. Thanks again!!
Your best results lay outside your comfort zone and I am so excited for you to take that step!